Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mocha, felting and seagulls named Russell

I am so excited that I finally found a place that makes pretty much a perfect mocha latte.
I don't drink coffee much (because it makes the drinker have bad breath and usually is gross!), but this time of year, it seems to be just the thing.
After I got my mocha and pastries, I took veda to one of the small beaches on the way back to the house.
We didn't stay long because there were some ducks that I think we were bothering,
besides is was cold as the dickens!
I was trying to take photos, but after 2 my hands were almost frozen stiff!
So I let veda run around a little bit, do her thing and then we headed home to get some work done.
I finished the owls today and put strings in them so they could be hung as ornaments
and I also made a couple of obi belts.
They are hanging up drying as I write!
These next photos are from when I went to pick up Andy down at the docks.
There is a seagull that has a limp and all of the guys feed him.
His name is Russel.
(I couldn't find him to get a photo, I will post one, he is a really pretty seagull)
He is young and has the sweetest face!

There was such beautiful light on the ceiling upstairs today.
Now I am just working on sewing buttons on some felted cuff bracelets and cowl scarves.
What did you do today?

1 comment:

  1. i just love seagulls (but you already know that)! it looks so pretty there by the coast, and i do hope that one day chris and i can take our roadtrip in the camper.
